Industry Overview
Saulsbury and our key project leaders have extensive experience in the execution of agricultural and food processing projects. Our capabilities and experience range from small modifications to existing facilities to the full integration of new process units and grassroots facilities. We offer a balance of plant engineering, design, and procurement through full construction and start-up support.
Contact Saulsbury to Get Started
TJ Stewart
Manager, Business Development
Email: tstewart@saulsbury.com
Mobile: (701) 471-6388

More Details
Saulsbury offers over 53 years of industrial construction experience and consistent growth. Our project experience and capabilities in processing plants are associated with the following scopes:
Saulsbury can provide project development, estimating support, EPC and/or construction only offerings for agricultural, food and related processing projects. Our breadth of capabilities and proven experienced leaders provide our clients with solutions to fit your market.