Saulsbury receives GPSA Safety Award for the third year in a row

Saulsbury was recently recognized by the Gas Processors Suppliers Association for its outstanding 2019 safety performance for the third consecutive year.
“We are honored to once again receive the GPSA Safety Award,” said John Higgins, Saulsbury’s Vice President of Safety and Quality. “This special recognition reinforces the culture of safety we promote every day.”
The 2020 GPSA Safety Award is based on 2019 OSHA records and a three-year history of active programs promoting safety and displaying safety improvement. In 2019, Saulsbury achieved a total recordable incident rate of 0.0, an improvement from 0.2 in 2018 and 0.25 in 2017.
“At Saulsbury, safety isn’t just a requirement; it’s a core value,” said COO Jimmy Matthews. “The health and safety of our employees, our clients’ employees, and the areas where we live and work are paramount to the success of every project.”
Traditionally, the GPSA presents its awards at the GPA Midstream Conference; however, this year’s conference was canceled due to COVID-19. All awards were presented via webcast on April 22.
“Saulsbury has been a staple of our awards program,” said Johnny Dreyer, Senior Vice President and Corporate Secretary of GPA Midstream. “It takes a huge commitment to continually perform at such a high safety level.”