Market Segment Overview
Nitrogen Rejection Units are installed in gas processing facilities to remove nitrogen from the residue sales gas so that this product stream complies with transmission pipeline specifications for nitrogen concentration. The primary goal of NRU operation is to maximize the amount of nitrogen that is removed from the residue sales gas stream. However, design specifications and optimization by the NRU plant packager must be in place to also minimize the methane concentration in the nitrogen outlet stream from the NRU, which is either vented to atmosphere or sold as a separate product.

Bowman, North Dakota
Installed a 50-MMSCFD nitrogen rejection unit for associated fireflood application. Project included:
- Inlet gas dehydration system
- 375-GPM CO2 treating facility
- O2 removal facility
- NGL extraction/fractionation
- Compression
- Relocated key pieces of equipment from Wyoming to North Dakota

Ward County, Texas
Installed a 4-MMSCFD nitrogen rejection unit for conventional low BTU natural gas which included:
- NGL extraction/stabilization
- Mol sieve dehydration
- Expander skid

Mobile County, Alabama
Fabricated and installed a 24-MMSCFD skid-mounted nitrogen rejection/NGL extraction unit into an existing processing facility which included:
- Mol sieve dehydration system
- Residue compression

Sterling County, Texas
Fabricated and installed a refurbished 43-MMSCFD nitrogen rejection unit integrated with cryogenic NGL processing train.

Midland County, Texas
Fabricated and installed a 35-MMSCFD nitrogen rejection unit for processing associated nitrogen from the residue gas of a cryo plant.

Gaines County, Texas
Fabricated and installed a 5-MMSCFD nitrogen rejection unit for conventional low BTU natural gas. The project also included:
- Inlet gas dehydration system
- Compression

Sweetwater County, Wyoming
Installed a 12-MMSCFD skid-mounted nitrogen rejection/NGL extraction unit which included:
- Condensate recovery
- CO2 and H2S extraction
- Helium extraction
- Dehydration
- Acid gas injection
- Associated compression